Welcome to our new blog!
We are so glad you found us and look forward to sharing updates and SOWW stories with you and hopefully hearing from you as well!
This weekend marks both our first official event and our first television news interview!
Our Inaugural "Run With Warriors" 5K Run/Walk (tomorrow)
SOWW + The Bull Run Warriors Retreat
On Channel 4 News at 6pm tonight!
Reporter David Culver of NBC Washington came out to Haymarket to talk with us about SOWW and visit the future home of Bull Run Warriors Retreat. We spent a beautiful afternoon yesterday showing him around the property. SOWW's Vice President, John Dominick, and Secretary, Jackie Glenn, answered questions about Serve Our Willing Warriors and our vision for the upcoming retreat. We are very grateful for Mr. Culver's time and his great interest in our recovering Willing Warriors + Their Families.
Thank you David and Channel 4 news!
Above: The property of the future home of Bull Run Warriors Retreat.
Tomorrow, April 6th:
Our Inaugural 5k Event:
SOWW's"Run With Warriors" 5k Run/Walk!
Packet Pick-up and Same-day Registration @ 7:30am - 8:30am
We are thrilled to have over 200 registrants, but there is always room for more! Our online registration is closed, but you can still register tomorrow morning before the event at the Dominion Valley Sports Pavilion (more info under the flyer below). If you have already registered and cannot pick up your packet this evening, you can do so in the morning. The 5K starts at 9am!
If you do happen to attend the 5K, we would love your feedback on the event, so please revisit us and chime in. This is our first event and we hope to make each successive year bigger and better. So we would really love your input.
We look forward to seeing everyone bright and early tomorrow!
Let's Run With Warriors!

Package Pickup: Friday April 5th, 2013
From 6 pm - 8 pm
@ Dominion Valley Sports Pavilion
15200 Arnold Palmer Dr. Haymarket, VA
Race Day Registration 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Registration Fee :
General Public $25.00
Wounded Warriors $10.00
General Public $25.00
Wounded Warriors $10.00
Wheelchairs & Jogging Strollers Welcome!
If you have any additional questions about the 5k, please contact Jackie @
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